心理学专业留学推荐信范文分享(1) 北师大导师深情谈学生超强研究力
- 2017年12月04日19:10 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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Dear professor,
It is a privilege for me to recommend Miss xxx a talented and resourceful individual for admission into your program of Psychology at your renowned university.
I met her when she applied the undergraduate research funds during her sophomore time. Her strong curiosity and fine intelligence in psychology and her independent research ability have left me deep impression. Her research of research on online advertising placement and its effects on web advertisement recognition is an interesting one. With the intelligent and artifice invention, the design is interesting and cooperates with the practice well. After reading her research proposal, I willing accepted to instruct her to do the research. With the financial aid of the undergraduate research funds, the research has continued very well. I’d like to say it is very difficult for an undergraduate student to gain the undergraduate research funds successfully. However, with the outstanding research ability and solid academic background, she got it sucessfuly.
As the group leader of the whole research team,she is responsible and always organized the other members to discuss how to improve the temperature design. After the discussion of the design project modification and testing much experiment, they gave a careful plan with the whole research before the formal work. During the whole research period, she cooperates with the classmates well. At the same time, she read lots of relative papers and always had some discussion with me and I am satisfied that she always has her own thought. I believe with the strong academic background and the intensive spirit she will get final success in the research. Most importantly, it will benefit her in the future research a lot. This year,she get the undergraduate research funds twice, I am very gratified, and she is the first undergraduate student in the history of Beijing Normal University, who got the funds to do research twice.She also gives me an impression of she don’t satisfy the current achievements and like to exceed herself. Once she makes the decision to improve herself, she will never be impeded by the difficulties she encountered in her research and daily life.
Now, my dear student determines to go abroad for her doctor degree, to achieve her own ideal. I firmly believe that she would achieve her success in this field. I would appreciate it if you could give her your favorable consideration.
Sincerely yours,
professor of Psychology Department, Beijing Normal University
1. 通读整篇推荐信,不难发现申请人是推荐者最为自豪的学生之一。在文中出现了“talented”、“resourceful”、“responsible”等表能力的形容词,以及“satisfied”、“gratified”、“dear”等表情感的形容词,字里行间流露出推荐者对申请人的喜爱之情;
2. 以推荐者对申请人在学术能力上的了解,其专门挑出了申请人最亮眼的成绩——成为北师大历史上首位两次获得研究型奖学金的本科生做着重描述,其中谈到了申请人在研究上的天分,与导师的相处,对团队的组织与合作,特别地表现出对一个本科生来说,这些成绩格外的不易;
3. 另外,推荐者强调申请人身上的那股不断超越自我的精神,用到了“exceed”一词,这也是招生官所看重的,这样的学生更加适合做学术上的追求。