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卡迪夫大学优质文书分享 顶尖商学院就爱我自信又不自满的样子

2017年11月13日17:56 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University )是一所享誉世界的高等名校,国际知名学府, 简称卡大。在卡大,一些专业的中国和印度留学生人数甚至超过了英国本土人,其在留学生中的口碑非常好。卡大的商学院和新闻与传播学院世界闻名,下面将与大家分享一篇成功申请卡大商学院管理专业的文书范文,一起来找找亮点吧!

传送门>>>>>>文书写作个人陈述指导汇总 名校范文大礼包砸来!(火速更新中)

卡迪夫大学优质文书分享 顶尖商学院就爱我自信又不自满的样子图1


Offer:卡迪夫大学 肯特大学 牛津布卢克斯大学 诺丁汉伦特大学 诺丁汉大学

My greatest achievement to date was when I was appointed head of the 6th form Management committee. I have turned it from a minor committee to a thriving active part of my school. Whilst maintaining the balance between academic and extra-curricular pursuits I have used my initiative in starting and managing the ‘Cafe’ at my school to raise funds for any 6th form investments. Having planned this project from the outset, I have learnt how to analyse problems and come up with solutions whilst meeting deadlines and executing a basic business strategy. These formal positions have taught me vital life skills such as leadership, planning, working with others in a team, and delegation. It has given me my first taste in managing a business, and I am eager to learn more.

After a lot of research into many careers and thorough background reading such as "The Irrational Economist", I realized a career in business is something I would like to pursue. Having observed the rapid changes in global economics, and the way firms react has inspired me to take this knowledge further. My enthusiasm for business has always been in its management: the fine art of ensuring that a set of high quality cogs create a functioning timepiece.

When choosing my A level subjects I took into consideration which transferable skills would be of use whilst pursuing a business based degree. I took the highly analytical subject Economics due to its relevance to the current climate in the business world as well as to train me in writing focused persuasive essays. Not only has my study of critical thinking supported this, but it has taught me how to critique the arguments of others. Further Mathematics has taught me how to analyse problems and to interpret information. My study of Biology provides me with the logical mindset required to approach any subject which will no doubt be helpful in studying for my chosen degree. Finally, in studying AS level Religious Studies during my free time, I learned valuable lessons, in philosophy and ethics as well as working independently whilst exercising well developed time management.

As well as my schoolwork I take part in many extra-curricular activities; I am currently head of my local youth group, where I have learnt how to take control and organise different activities. I have always been interested in the wellbeing of others and have taken part in voluntary work. I enjoy my volunteer work at Childline, as it gives me a sense of purpose and achievement, whilst enabling me to communicate in an empathic and systematic manner. Not only has it taught me to be a team player but also some key skills of how to be a leader, such as how to listen to people’s problems and remain uninvolved, and follow certain guidelines on how to deal with a situation. My communication skills are further supported by my work in speech and drama, when I have both delivered and judged speeches and debates, teaching me how to assess objectively and give constructive and positive feedback.

I understand that a business based degree is a highly demanding course and needs dedication and hard work. I have taken up activities which involve these attributes; karate is a sport which I enjoy and its basic principles of motivation and hard work are qualities I value. I have also taken up ballet and modern dance, Duke of Edinburgh, drama and piano; reinforcing discipline, dedication and performance skills.

A business based degree is exceptionally diverse and can lead to many opportunities; I will thrive on studying its many depths and breadths. At present I have only just ventured into the business world and I am eager to learn more. Potentially I would like to set up my own business in the future and a business based degree will aid me. I see myself as a very capable and enthusiastic person who will grasp this challenging degree with both hands to further my academic potential and become an asset to your university.


1. 商学院对专业能力要求很高,尤其是管理方面。申请者开篇即谈到了自己最得意的成就——成为某一管理委员会的负责人。在第一段即说明与专业相关的个人成就,很有推陈出新的意思,当然对申请者如何引导并安排其后的内容也有一定的考验;

2. 申请者接着叙述了自己如何走上管理之路,并用了一个恰当的比喻来阐释自己对管理的认识与爱好。在文书字里行间中,表露自身对所申请专业的深层见解与爱好,这是为招生官所喜闻乐见的;

3. 在谈知识架构时,申请者也展示了自己的独立思考——有针对地选择相关课程。另外在数学统计、生物、宗教、哲学与伦理学,申请者涉猎广泛;

4. 倒数二、三段,一般都会安排课外活动和兴趣爱好,对于管理专业来说,团队协作力、领导力、交流能力则尤为重要,可以有意识举些能展示这些能力的例子。






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