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2篇MBA推荐信范文 你的领导力和管理思维不错哦

2017年10月26日18:03 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
参与(4) 阅读(60145)


2篇MBA推荐信范文 你的领导力和管理思维不错哦图1



To Whom it May Concern:

I would like to recommend Becky James for your MBA program.

Becky has worked as my assistant for the last three years. During that time, she has been moving toward her goal of enrolling in an MBA program by building her interpersonal skills, honing her leadership ability, and gaining hands-on experience in operations management.

As Becky's direct supervisor, I have seen her demonstrate strong critical thinking skills and the leadership capabilities necessary for success in the management field. She has helped our company achieve many goals through her valuable input as well as a persistent dedication to our organizational strategy. For example, just this year Becky helped to analyze our production schedule and suggested an effective plan to manage bottlenecks in our production process. Her contributions helped us achieve our goal of minimizing scheduled and unscheduled downtime.

Becky may be my assistant, but she has risen to an unofficial leadership role. When team members in our department aren't sure what to do in a given situation, they often turn to Becky for her thoughtful advice and support on various projects. Becky never fails to assist them. She is kind, humble, and seems very comfortable in a leadership role. Several of her fellow employees have come into my office and expressed unsolicited compliments in regards to Becky's personality and performance.

I believe that Becky will be able to contribute to your program in a number of ways. Not only is she well-versed in the field of operations management, she also has a contagious enthusiasm that encourages those around her to work harder and achieve solutions for both personal and professional problems. She knows how to work well as part of a team and is able to model appropriate communications skills in almost any given situation.

For these reasons I highly recommend Becky James as a candidate for your MBA program. If you have any questions regarding Becky or this recommendation, please contact me.


Allen Barry, Operations Manager, Tri-State Widget Productions




To Whom it May Concern:

Janet Doe has worked for me as a Resident Manager for the past 3 years. Her responsibilities have included leasing, inspecting apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants complaints, making sure common areas look presentable and keeping track of the property budget.

During her time here she has had an amazing impact on the appearance and financial turn around at the property. The property was near bankrupt when Janet took over. She turned things around almost immediately, and as a result we are expecting our second year of profit.

Janet is highly respected by her co-workers for her willingness to help anyone anytime she can. She has been instrumental in helping institute new company-wide cost saving procedures. She is very well organized, diligent in her paperwork, easily reachable, and always on time.

Janet has real leadership potential.

I would highly recommend her for your MBA program.


Joe Smith

Regional Property Manager






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