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这是一篇成功申请哈佛大学的推荐信 要点+范文+点评……

2017年10月24日16:40 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
参与(3) 阅读(31925)


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这是一篇成功申请哈佛大学的推荐信 要点+范文+点评……图1


1. 推荐人最好是和你的关系特别熟,能够提供更多更可信的细节;

2. 提供和补充其他申请材料,比如你的简历和论文;

3. 突出你的优势,或是找到能弥补你的劣势的事项,比如低GPA;

4. 举一两个例子可以证明推荐信中的关键亮点;

5. 具有足够的说服力,并避免与文书中的其他申请材料有冲突的地方;

6. 推荐信的内容应是能准确反映你作为独立个人、学生和专业人士的信息;

7. 没有拼写、标点符号和语法错误;

8. 谁写的推荐信署谁的名。



I am writing to recommend Amy Petty for your business program.

As the General Manager of Plum Products, where Amy is currently employed, I interact with her on an almost daily basis. I am very familiar with her position in the company and her record of excellence. I also conferred with her direct supervisor and other members of the human resources department regarding her performance prior to writing this recommendation.

Amy joined our human resources department three years ago as a Human Resources Clerk. In her first year with Plum Products, Amy worked on an HR project management team that developed a system to increase employee satisfaction by assigning employees to jobs for which they are best-suited. Amy's creative suggestions, which included methods for surveying workers and assessing worker productivity, proved invaluable in the development of our system. The results for our organization have been measurable - turnover was reduced by 15 percent in the year after the system was implemented, and 83 percent of employees reported being more satisfied with their job than they were the year before.

On her 18-month anniversary with Plum Products, Amy was promoted to Human Resources Team Leader. This promotion was a direct result of her contributions to the HR project as well as her exemplary performance review. As a Human Resources Team Leader, Amy has a vital role in the coordination of our administrative functions. She manages a team of five other HR professionals. Her duties involve collaborating with upper management to develop and implement company and departmental strategies, assigning tasks to the HR team, and resolving team conflicts.

The members of Amy's team look to her for coaching, and she often serves in a mentor role.

Last year, we altered the organizational structure of our human resources departments. Some of the employees felt a natural behavioral resistance to the change and exhibited varying levels of disenchantment, disengagement, and disorientation. Amy's intuitive nature alerted her to these issues and helped her assist everyone through the change process. She provided guidance, support, and training as necessary to ensure the smoothness of the transition and to improve the motivation, morale, satisfaction of other members on her team.

I consider Amy a valuable member of our organization and would like to see her get the additional education she needs to progress in her management career. I think she would be a good fit for your program and would be able to contribute in numerous ways.


Adam Brecker, General Manager of Plum Products



1. 首先推荐人说明了与申请人的关系,表明自己有足够的实力来推荐申请人,并肯定了申请者在团队中的贡献;

2. 这篇推荐信提供了具体的例子,如申请人在人力资源项目中所起到的作用和角色,很能说明问题;

3. 这封信提到了申请人的晋升——招生官很乐意看到申请人的发展潜力;

4. 对于申请商学专业的人来说,领导力很重要,而这封信也着重谈到了申请人在团队中的领导作用,并用具体的例子加以说明。





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