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- 2017年10月24日15:27 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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Offer:牛津大学 华威大学 约克大学 巴斯大学 伦敦大学学院
Foreign languages have always been an integral part of my life as from a young age I have been exposed to other countries and cultures through frequent family holidays to France and Germany. I have always been interested in the logic behind languages. This is what first attracted me to learning German as I always found it a very logical language. A 2 week course at the Goethe Institute in Berlin allowed me to explore other aspects of German language and culture including an introduction to Low German. Annual school exchanges and trips to Germany have taught me how to live almost entirely in another language. Alongside my German studies I have endeavored to maintain a good command of the French and Spanish languages. Having learnt French for many years I was able to learn many aspects of the Spanish language quickly as I was able to draw parallels between the two.
Following a cultural course at the Goethe Institute, I began to foster an interest in German short stories and novellas written by the likes of Kafka and Kleist. Upon reading "Die Verwandlung", I found myself drawn into the absurdist nature of the novella. Unlike with other novellas, it seemed impossible to predict what was going to happen next which made it all the more enthralling to read. Having read some of Kafka's work I decided to read some earlier literature which brought me to the 18th-19th Century works of Kleist and "Das Erdbeben in Chili". Perhaps unsurprisingly, I was able to draw links between the two, not only because Kafka was influenced by Kleist but also as both novellas seemed to display an element of almost anti-theism. Both novellas seem to select innocent individuals and put them in inescapable situations. Above all, "Das Erdbeben in Chili" seems to suggest that God is unlikely to exist because his actions are too random.
An interest in German history first stemming from a GCSE history course compelled me to carry out an extended project looking at the holocaust and its possible causes. This involved looking in some depth into what defined German national identity over the war period and extended into Goldhagen's theory that German people at the time were "Hitler's willing executioners". This was further supplemented when I began reading the Swiss play "Der Besuch der alten Dame" and was able to draw links between key characters in the play, and groups represented in the holocaust and during other similar genocides.
National identity during the war periods has always fascinated me. Despite being vastly different countries, the Italian and German populations were surprisingly similar at the time as both seemed to rationalize the genocidal actions of the Nazis which was arguably one of the reasons why the holocaust was able to continue for so long. This is one of the reasons why I have begun to further explore aspects of Italian history, culture, film, current affairs and literature from the likes of Dino Buzzati and Leonardo Sciascia. In order to prepare myself for future Italian studies, I have also been taking Italian language classes.
Aside from my academic pursuits I am involved in school activities such as the first orchestra, jazz band and choral society. Having been interested in close harmony and A Capella singing from a young age, I often enjoyed listening even to some German groups such as The Wise Guys which ultimately led me to create a small A Capella group in my lower sixth year. Over the past few years I have also dedicated myself to undertaking various forms of charity work which has allowed me to learn a variety of previously alien skills. I worked for Oxfam over the summer and during my lower sixth year I volunteered at the east oxford nature reserve where I helped to prepare the reserve for the local community. I found my work experience at PwC particularly useful as it fostered my interest in the financial services sector and showed me exactly how useful my language skills could become when operating in foreign countries.
1. 该文在个人学习经历、阅读积累和课外活动间的平衡做得很好;
2. 有意识地展示了自身在语言上的技能,包括学习法语,并联系到德语上;
3. 以所读的书籍和戏剧来谈自身收获,表达对德语和意大利语的热爱,展示自己的深刻见解;
4. 语法运用比较成熟,显示申请者的语言功底;
5. 一篇获得全部5个offer的PS范文反复多啃几遍肯定不亏!
Offer:牛津大学 杜伦大学
A visit to a collection of minerals and gemstones while holidaying in the Lake District in 2006 opened my eyes to the fascinating subject of geology. Seeing naturally dull rock split open to reveal a myriad of vibrant crystals posed many questions: where had this discovery been made and, more intriguingly, how had it formed? My wish to find out more about these mineral forms and the rocks that had sheltered their intricate beauty started my interest in geology.
My interest in the planet and sciences developed further at GCSE, where I was introduced to areas of physical geography: volcanology, plate tectonics and earthquakes, and also the part that geologists have to play in solving challenging environmental matters. Recent protests in Balcombe against fracking show that geology does not currently have the answers to cure the energy crisis or counter society’s negative views. While I agree with protesters’ opinions that fracking will disturb British ecosystems and use substantial amounts of water better used elsewhere, the need for extra gas reserves and the political agenda of cutting energy bills, to me, outweigh the negatives.
A Level choices enabled me to receive a greater understanding of the chemical, physical and mathematical aspects of earth sciences. Having an academic background in these three fields has facilitated my use and appreciation of graphs and statistics produced by geological societies such as USGS and allowed me to analyse theories and reports in a new way, giving me varied perspectives. Learning about volcano mechanics in geology, pressure in chemistry, and stress and strain in physics and maths during my first year at college created links between my subject choices and how they inter-relate.
I became interested in volcanoes and their tectonics, leading me to read ‘Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded’ by Simon Winchester. The book taught me about the island’s background and how Krakatoa’s location on the Sunda Strait and the infamous eruption in 1883 influenced lives, affected world trade, and global temperatures and created one of the world’s best geologists, Alfred Wegener. However, I believe the book strays too far away from the topic of Krakatoa and does not go into enough detail about its future, with only brief mentions of Anak Krakatau and nothing on the potential for eruptions or how the world should prepare. This extra reading has prompted me to write my extended project on super volcanoes and how society has been shaped because of them. I feel this particular section of research encompasses all of my A2 subjects and allows my interest in geology to develop further.
Next summer I am taking part in an expedition to Borneo for a month. While there we will climb Mount Kinabalu and see Deer and Clearwater caves; visiting huge geological features will teach me more about Asia’s geology and build on ideas I have already encountered in my studies and extra reading.
In July this year I was invited to an Experience Cambridge: Natural Sciences day at the university, which gave me the opportunity to talk to experts in geochemistry and geophysics, fully engage in discussions and appreciate new concepts and ideas currently being tested, such as the new theory that impact energy from meteors causes continental drift, not plate tectonics. Talking to academics in the field made me realise there is much more to learn, new ideas I never thought existed or could be possible, making me want to learn more and widen my knowledge.
Beyond geology I was chosen as an Olympic ambassador as part of my role in the Youth Sport Trust, which was an exciting opportunity to engage in sports and develop my leadership qualities. I have had a part time job at Farmfoods since April 2012 which has taught me to balance my time equally between my work, social and college life.
Overall, I would appreciate any opportunity for further reading in earth sciences. I am fascinated by the study of new aspects of the field, and look forward to continuing to research and explore the world to decode some of the geological mysteries that still surround us, while continuing to not only work hard with my studies but contribute to the university community.
1. 以自身一个经历开篇,讲述地质科学如何引起其兴趣;
2. 讲述自己的学术科研经历及收获,展示自身的学习能力;
3. 谈论自身的活动和实践经历过多,并不能产生较深刻的见解。
Offer:牛津大学 杜伦大学 约克大学 诺丁汉大学
Is one of the useful lessons of the Great Depression that the European periphery cannot restore its competitiveness whilst fixed to an overvalued currency without inducing a debt deflation trap? A study of economics and history can help illuminate such contemporary challenges. United in their drive to understand how societies function and develop, they can be highly complementary disciplines. For example, not only can historians derive unique and more quantifiable insights through the use of economic tools of analysis, but economists also must often have a historical awareness in order to identify the assumptions that their abstract model or theory rests on.
Economics appeals to me because of its precise and logical approach to the dissection of human behaviour and societal issues, which can be harnessed as a pragmatic guide to action. The breadth and depth of this explanatory power was revealed to me through attending Debate Chamber's Economics Summer School, which enabled me to engage with a vast array of ideas from indifference curves to Marx's labour theory of value to China's currency manipulation, all illuminating some of the forces which affect our lives or control our decisions. Moreover, reading "The Worldly Philosophers" by Robert Heilbroner helped contextualise many of these theories. Due to my fascination with how government intervention can alter market processes, I have researched state capitalism's success in fostering economic development in East Asia for my Extended Project, leading me to books like Atul Kohli's "State Directed Development". The project has made me realise the immense potential of state investment to induce rapid industrialisation when tied to focused and technocratic political institutions, but also the challenges raised from suppressed domestic demand and export reliance, as in China. My independent research skills have been further enhanced through writing both my RES competition essay "A breakup of the euro provides the best hope for a durable recovery of the European economy. Discuss", and my IEA competition essay in which I used OCA theory and economic differentials to demonstrate that the Eurozone is a suboptimal currency union.
Discovering how changing economic, social and political forces moulded the values, structures and prosperity of past societies is central to my love of history. For this reason, the all-encompassing ideological experimentation and economic fluctuations of the European inter-war period fascinates me. This was fuelled through reading "Dark Continent" by Mark Mazower, which provided incisive interpretations into these processes of profound change. In particular, I found his argument that post 1918 liberalism's downfall was due to its ideological dogmatism in the face of a more polarised and collectivist age very thought provoking in its implications about democracy's long term stability. In contrast to this collectivist period, reading "The People and the British Economy 1830-1914" by Roderick Floud demonstrated to me how, through free trade and laissez-faire governments, economic agents following their own interests can greatly improve the prosperity of a society as a whole. Reading "What is History?" by E.H.Carr made me appreciate the elements of historical theory that must be considered when undertaking a historical inquiry. However, I felt his definition of objectivity within history to be excessively narrow and restrictive in its implications.
Outside my studies, I am pursuing my D of E gold award which has involved me teaching dyspraxic children trampolining for a year, developing my communication skills. I have also achieved my black belt in Tae-Kwon-Do after eight years, teaching me self discipline. Finally, partaking in my school's debating society has taught me how to organise my ideas in a coherent style. I hope these skills will enable me to embrace these subjects with the dedication they deserve.
1. 以“大萧条”时欧洲外围国家经济情况开篇,是在疑问,也是在思考,同时也在抛出观点,申请者很巧妙地谈了“历史”与“经济”相结合的话题,展示深厚的学术实力,成功吸引招生官;
2. 通过专业学习、广泛阅读、以及论文成果展示其对该专业的热爱,并能谈论深刻的见解和收获。
3. 文章最后选择课外实践活动,展示除学术能力外的其他综合素质。