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跟老外搭讪的正确打开方式 你需要这些开场白

2017年10月24日15:28 来源:小站整理
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1. So, what do you do? 你是做什么的?


Right now, I’m a student. I’m in my second year of pharmacy school. How about you? What do you do?

I work as a tour guide for a local tour company. I’ve worked there for three years now. How about you?

That’s a good question! I do a little bit of everything: some writing, some photography and some graphic design, too. What do you do?

跟老外搭讪的正确打开方式 你需要这些开场白图1

2. How’s (summer) treating you?暑假过的怎么样?


Oh, it’s been really great. No complaints here! And how’s it going for you?

Not bad, can’t complain! And how is your summer going?

It’s treating me pretty well! I’ve gotten a lot out of it so far. And how’s summer going for you?

3. So, what have you been up to lately?最近怎么样?

相当于“How’s it going?”,通常是跟认识、稍微熟悉的人聊天用。回答可参考:

Not much. My last class is on Thursday, so I’m excited about that! What have you been up to?

Let’s see…Well, I started a new job last week, but other than that, everything is pretty much the same. What have you been up to?

Well, have you heard that I moved to a new apartment?

What can I say? Nothing too exciting. Things are good—how about you?

4. Long time, no see! Any updates since we last saw each other?好久不见!有啥新鲜事吗?


Where to begin? A lot has changed in the past few months. I got a dog, moved apartments and switched jobs!

Nothing too crazy. How about you? Any news?

5. So what do you do when you’re not working?不工作的时候你喜欢做什么呢?

相当于问“What are your hobbies?”回答可参考:

Well, recently I started playing volleyball on the weekends.

Usually, I spend my free time doing activities with my family.

6. Do you follow (Stephen Colbert)?



Oh, yeah! I love him/that show. Why?

Sometimes. A little bit here and there. Why?

No–actually, I haven’t heard of him. Who is he?

7. What sort of stuff do you do on the weekends?你周末都做什么呢?

8. So, what’s your take on (the latest movie)?所以你对(这部电影)怎么看?


9. Are you here with anybody?你是跟别人一起来的吗?


10. Do you feel like grabbing a bite?想来点吃的吗?

11. Would you be up for a (movie) some time?有空能一起去看个电影吗?

12. Would you mind giving me a hand with this?你能帮我一下忙吗?






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