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英国商学院PS写作全解析 附2015华威拒信分析

2016年01月04日11:47 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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英国商学院PS写作全解析 附2015华威拒信分析图1











对于申请这些顶尖商科学校的学生来说,语言成绩,专业成绩什么的固然重要,但是还有一个非常重要的方面会直接影响你能否被学校录取委员会录取,那就是文书的撰写,也就是我们说的personal statement。


英国商学院PS写作全解析 附2015华威拒信分析图2


“基于以上专业(Degree of Master of Science ine-businessmanagement)的分析,我们认真看了您的申请信息。但是遗憾的,恐怕我们不能给您这个Offer.招生办公室的老师是基于我们的申请者是从多大程度上满足这个课程的入学要求的。另外,对于这个专业,今年的竞争非常激烈,入选者都很优秀。我们做出这个决定也是很艰难的。



Peter Corvi,华威大学商学院副院长有提到,‘我们需要数学水平好的人才’。他还谈到,批判性并引人深思的写作技巧对于商科学生一样很重要。


 华威大学想要看到学生自己立论然后写得有理有据,但是很多条件很好的申请者都缺乏这一技巧。所以,你的个人陈述需要流畅并且有理有据。Corvi说 每年合格的申请者都会超过他们学院给出的名额。有一个方法可以让你从众多申请者中脱颖而出,那就是课外活动,但是审核者不会希望看到表面的描述而无实例。 确保你提及的课外活动是相关的,为什么相关,举点实例你到底做了什么,为什么你认为你适合这个课程。不要忽视参加课外活动的重要性,但是也要讲你为什么要 参加这项活动。。。他们会想知道原因以及你从中所得。

那么怎么样的Personal Statement才是英国大学认为真正好的呢?

Top 1: 一个真正属于你自己的故事。


Top 2: 分享自己的看法和观点。


Top 3:把握学科周边的新闻事实。


Top 4:展现你的个人魅力,用自己的语言说话。


Top 5: 让你申请的院校看出你的真爱。



Personal Statement

Your Personal Statement is a vital part of your MSc application to WMG. Not only do we read it carefully, we also think about what you say and how you say it. It helps us to decide if you will succeed and be happy at WMG.

Your Personal Statement gives us an opportunity to find out more about you. Therefore, you should think of the Personal Statement as an opportunity to tell us about yourself and to highlight your strengths.

It is absolutely critical that you explain to us why you have applied for your chosen course; if you fail to do so your application will be rejected, even if you meet our other admission criteria.

Remember that writing a personal statement takes time and effort – you should jot down a few points on a piece of paper before starting to write it in full.

General statements such as "I want a better job" or "I enjoy studying" are not sufficient and will count against you.

What you should say

Here are the themes that you should consider when writing your personal statement. This list is not complete, but they are likely to form the basis of your statement.


Why you want to undertake postgraduate study.

Your reasons for choosing the specific course. This is vital. Saying you are interested in "business" or "management" is not sufficient.

How your first degree and/or work experience is relevant to the course.

What academic skills you have developed and how they relate to the MSc course you have chosen.

Personal Attributes

What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills are relevant for your study at WMG

Your future career goals.

How you should say it

Address the subject of the course. WMG do not offer general "management" or "business" courses, so be specific: how are your skills and interests related to Logistics, Project Management, e-Business etc?

Relate the things you say about yourself to the course applied for. Don't just say "I worked for two months at Company X"; explain its relevance: "At Company X I was involved in troubleshooting project overruns on a new product design. This made it clear to me how important project management and risk management is".

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

It is important to get these right. Incorrect grammar, spelling or punctuation can make it difficult for us to read and understand what you are trying to say. For a start, you should use the grammar and spell checker provided in your word processor, but don't rely on these alone. Print your statement and read it with a pen in hand. Even better, get someone else to check it for you.


Aim for 500 words. It may seem like a lot, but it will fill up quickly. Be concise and straight-forward in your writing. Keep your sentences short and get to the point. Most of the poor statements we see are too long, not too short.


Use full sentences, starting with a capital letter and finishing with a full-stop.

Do not use slang or informal language.

Use paragraphs – your statement should read like any other piece of written work, that is, it should have an introduction (the beginning), body (the middle), and conclusion (the end).

Quick Tips

Don't use your statement to tell us what we already know. For example details of your undergraduate degree will be evident from your transcripts.

A personal statement is not a CV, so avoid just listing everything you have ever done.

Donʼt submit the same generic statement for many different courses. You must tailor the statement for each specific course.

You can include information about your hobbies / voluntary work etc, but you must explain how these relate to the course you have applied for.

Donʼt tell us about other people (e.g. your parents), they aren't the ones who will be studying at WMG.

Avoid vague statements such as "I have always wanted to go to your University because I have a passion for study".

Do not, under any circumstances, copy a personal statement from another source. In particular do not use "effective personal statement" type websites or forums.





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