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体验不同文化 到了美国才能真正了解的那些事儿

2017年08月25日14:53 来源:小站整理
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Nobody talks about grades here.


Strong ethics — everyone has a lot of integrity. If someone cannot submit their completed assignment in time, they will turn in the assignment incomplete rather than asking for answers at the last minute. People take pride in their hard work and usually do not cheat. This is different from students from India and China as well as back home in India, where everyone collaborates to the extent that it can be categorized as cheating.

体验不同文化 到了美国才能真正了解的那些事儿图1

富人瘦,穷人胖 在美国,保持健康要花很多

Rich people are thin/ well maintained, poor people are fat. This stems from the fact that cheap food is fatty, rich people don't eat cheap food — they tend to eat either home-cooked food which is expensive or eat at expensive / healthy places. Unfortunately, it is expensive to be healthy in America.


Obsession with coffee — Starbucks, Dunkin' etc is crowded with office-goers and students every morning. I don't understand why they can't drink or make coffee before leaving for work. Such a waste of money! ($5/day * 5days / week * 52weeks/year)!


Split families, not having married parents, etc is not seen differently than the contrary.


Smoking weed is seen the same as smoking cigarettes.

商品定价不符合线性规律 所以人们大量购买导致浪费

The way that stores price their products makes no apparent economic sense, and is not linear at all.

For example, at a typical store:

- 1 can of coke : $1.00

- 12 cans of coke : $3.00

- 1 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar : $3.00

- 12 Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars : $7.00

Americans are encouraged to buy in bulk, which often leads to a lot of waste.

苏打水比瓶装水便宜且可以无限续杯 大型饮料机提供很多种口味的饮料可供选择

Soda being cheaper than bottled water

It makes no sense that carbonated and flavored water with HFCS are cheaper than regular water, but hey, that's just how it is.

Unlimited soda refills:

Slightly digressing, I've noticed that the typical fountain machine has a huge selection, including Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Sprite, Sprite Zero, Hi-C, Powerade, Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade (and/or their coca-cola counterparts)... The list goes on. This may not seem like much, but it is actually a lot more compared to the 3-4 options (coca-cola, sprite, fanta, limca) that most Indian soda fountain machines have.

超大号Serving Sizes:



US Flag displayed everywhere

I was surprised to see that the US flag is displayed in schools, on rooftops of houses, etc. Also, something that struck out to me was how it was completely normal to wear the US flag or a US flag-like pattern as a bikini.

对运动的热爱 运动是美国人生命中的一部分

American institutional obsession with sports. He tells me that his parents rarely ever watched him play soccer. Sure, families came, and they especially came if the local team was in a championship, but mostly its kids and the players. When I took him passed a local "sports park", there were sports for girls and boys, both soccer and baseball, and thousands of people walking around while each sport was taking place. He was stunned to see just how athletically involved entire families were, and how we made a day of it.


Obsession with Tanning - I am adding this one late, as I had forgotten previously. In India, we have an obsession with "fair skin". Skin lightening, skin whitening, on. In US, it was the oppostie. Every block has a tanning salon and drugstores have tanning creams and sprays instead of anti-tan ones available here. I thought it was fairly screwed up that in every part of the world, the cosmetics industry makes a way to make money off of people's insecurity.


Cashiers talking to you - Every cashier will greet you with "How are you today? You find everything okay?" with a smile, and you're quite thrown off the first few times. Also, I had this really great cashier at Harris Teeter give me discounts because I always checked out at his counter :) Really nice people! In general also, people were extremely polite, and many just complimented you too!


Not every city has skyscrapers like New York City or Chicago:

Well, most cities fit this one. Too much Hollywood I guess. Too much suburban sprawl for my liking.


Gas is ridiculously cheap for the standard of living of an average American: Seriously, consider this:

Average per capita income in India = $1000 per year


Average gas price in India per liter = Rs 75

That comes out to Rs 277 (approx $5.5) per gallon.

And here in the US, the per capita income even is way higher and gas prices are cheaper. Yes, I do know that people here use cars more. But then, why don't we use public transport...because it's not good enough....vicious circle.

Cabs are expensive: Here, cabs are expensive enough to be called only when you don't have a car/cannot get a ride/no public transport. In India, a cab was public transport and cheap enough to use for everyday commute (no, I do not come from a rich family).


Economics of a few products/services: $15 for a haircut, waiters get paid only $2.13 per hour or some sub-minimum wage amount, bottled water worth $2, etc. It didn't make sense to me at first. 15-20% tips at restaurant is a norm... Shouldn't I have the freedom to choose the amount based on the quality of service and my own financial condition? Sewage bill... What?

A Hypothesis

Why are there such differences between the US and Asia?

Could it be because of the divergence in the educational philosophies of the two regions?

Asian education emphasizes conformity and discipline, and people generally have a strong sense of duty and professionalism in the tasks that they are assigned whether they are the CEO or the janitor of a company. In Asia, I have rarely faced the frustration I have felt when dealing with service people in the US.

On the other hand, US education generally values individuality and free-thinking. People are less judgmental and are not scared of being different, and those that are motivated will grow up daring to dream and may even go on to achieving great things.








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