计算机专业留学推荐信范文分享(2) 程序猿都以完成的项目为谈资
- 2017年12月04日17:33 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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传送门>>>>>>文书写作推荐信指导汇总 热门专业范文大礼包砸来!(火速更新中)
传送门>>>>>>文书写作个人陈述指导汇总 名校范文大礼包砸来!(火速更新中)
Dear Admissions Committee:
Having worked with Mr. Xiao Xiao for three years at ABC Technology, I am very glad to recommend him for [WHAT PROGRAM? WHERE?] As his supervisor, I have enjoyed a close acquaintance with him and, frankly speaking, Mr. Xiao is one of most excellent researchers that I have ever seen.
It is not easy for a new graduate to get into our company, the largest telecommunications company in Asia. We were immediately impressed, though, by Mr. Xiao’s exceptionally outstanding performance in university. As an undergraduate, he was invited to enter our company at the master’s-degree salary level, and that confidence was rewarded with his very creative and knowledgeable mind. Though there are many master’s or doctoral candidates in my team, Mr. Xiao’s performance has been the best of all. Alone among all his teammates, he earned straight As during his probationary period.
Mr. Xiao’s first engagement was in the Data Communication R&D department at ABC Technology, where he worked on the BAS(Broadband Access Server) design used in HSR(High-speed Switch Route). He was in charge of the ATM Access of FR(Frame Relay) and independently designed a system providing eight channels of FR input interfaces. The system will encapsulate the frames into AAL5 cells, and connect to HSR after being combined with other access units(e.g. DDN, LAN Emulation, PSDN ).
Mr. Xiao proved to be a very diligent person, often working for several days without leaving the lab and sleeping on the couch when tired. As a result, In just four months he realized the access of Frame Relay from LAN to ATM cell with the optional bandwidth and priority packages. Now, our HSR has provided for multiple countries, as Thailand, Laos, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Algeria, etc. In China, this product has a market share of more than 70% in this product field, bringing huge profits to our company.
In January 2000, Mr. Xiao began work in wireless telecommunication, focused on the base station(NodeB) research in 3G WCDMA. NodeB is responsible for the mobility of user terminals at the access layer, supporting various services such as multimedia and voice or data. Thanks to his solid track record in the development process, he earned a promotion to team manager in September 2000 leading the MPU(Main Processor Unit) team. The MPU, based on the ATM switch platform, will encapsulate the control plane information into AAL5 cells as well as the user plane message into AAL2 cells. Finally, these ATM cells will be sent to RNC(Radio Network controller) by IMA(Inverse Multiplexing For ATM) channel. The performance of this new product can match those in MOTOROLA, NOKIA, NEC, and NORTEL, but it is much cheaper. This design is a very successful product of our company, and, in leading their development, Mr. Xiao demonstrated great patience, persistence, and a strong sense of responsibility. In 2001, Mr. Xiao earned the honor of "outstanding team leader" in our company through a highly competitive election that honors only two percent of team managers.
During his three years here, Mr. Xiao has shown great talent in creation and invention. As an acknowledged expert in embedded operating systems, he has got four patents for ABC Technology, all of which are widely applied in hardware design and algorithms. Mr. Xiao is also known as the top expert in Verilog and VHDL at the Shanghai R&D center. He is the youngest department manager in Shanghai R&D Center, and his creativity, intelligence, and diligence made him more capable than most doctors. I truly regret letting such an excellent member go, but I am willing to make this recommendation to help such a vigorous and promising young man develop his potential fully. For any more information, please feel free to contact me.
Yours truly,
1. 这篇文书范文出自申请人的工作上司,着重点在与申请人专业相关的工作上。三年的同事关系说明推荐人对申请人的工作能力与为人应该非常了解,是非常理想的推荐人。
2. 这篇推荐信完整回忆了申请人从以毕业生入职高职位到在数字通信部门工作再到无线通信部门任职的过程,其中详细谈到了申请人完成的工作项目以及取得的成就,申请人的这一成长路线快速且清晰,短短三年便成长为这一领域的最年轻的顶尖专家,突出了申请人超强的可塑性。
3. 该文提到了很多项目以及数据,真实可信。申请人在计算机专业上超强的实践能力得到凸显,其勤奋负责的工作态度、卓越的领导能力、超强的执行能力和可贵的创新发明能力都是成为一名计算机专业领域资深研究者的充分条件。