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2017年11月23日16:22 来源:小站整理
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本科转学,在美国大学官网上称之为:Undergraduate Transfer,只要进到美国大学官网,大家就能发现,在Undergraduate Admission 中Freshmen申请和Transfer申请基本都是并列关系。只要你是在读大学生,没有获得学士学位(一般以大一大二为主,大三大四情况比较复杂),成绩达到一定标准(不同档次学校标准不同),有SAT/ACT with writing(很多学校不硬性要求,比如Yale对本国无考点的学生可以免SAT或ACT,密西根大学安娜堡分校要求如果高中申请本科时考了SAT或者ACT需要提交,否则就不用提交,top30往后的很多学校则要求如果入学时已经读了两年,那么就不用提交SAT或ACT成绩),有语言成绩(国际学生,且没有四年母语为英语教学经历的需要提交托福、雅思、PTE之类的语言成绩)就可以申请转学。这个结论是很多很多学生和家长不知道,难理解,但又是事实的事情。



Stanford University 斯坦福大学

l Students who have enrolled either full-time or as a degree-seeking student after graduating from high school must apply for transfer admission.

l Students who are dual-enrolled in both high school and college programs should apply for freshman admission.

l Students must have a high school diploma or the equivalent in order to enroll at Stanford.

l Transfer coursework must be completed at an accredited degree-granting institution; coursework completed in vocational, technical, performance or professional programs are not considered.

l Transfer students are required to complete at least two years of full-time enrollment at Stanford in order to attain a bachelor's degree from the university.

l Students who have already earned a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply for undergraduate admission

Harvard University 哈佛大学

l By the anticipated date of matriculation, students must have satisfactorily completed a minimum of one continuous academic year in a degree program at one college, and not more than two academic years of full-time college study.

l Students who have completed more than two years of college study with transferable credit, and those who have earned a bachelor’s degree, are not eligible to transfer to Harvard College. Students may not choose to relinquish academic credits or a degree in order to apply for transfer admission.

l Students who will have completed less than one full-time continuous year of study at one college by the anticipated date of matriculation at Harvard should apply as freshman candidates. (All such applicants, if admitted, will matriculate as regular freshmen without any transfer credit.)

l Students who have completed one full-time year of college in a regular degree program in lieu of their senior year of high school (often referred to as dual enrollment) should contact the Admissions Office before submitting an application, but generally, if the courses were taken for credit toward a high school diploma, candidates should apply as a freshman.

l Students who are enrolled part-time are not eligible unless they have previously completed one continuous academic year full-time.

l Students are eligible to transfer only from a liberal arts curriculum that is similar to Harvard’s. Candidates whose education has been in a vocational, professional, technical, online, extension, or performance program will not ordinarily qualify for transfer admission.


Yale University 耶鲁大学

To be eligible to transfer, you must have a high school diploma or GED by June of the current academic year, and at least one year and no more than two years of transferable post-secondary-school college credit.*

l If you are currently jointly enrolled in high school and college, you are not eligible for the transfer program, but should apply through the freshman admissions process.

l If by the end of the current academic year you will have completed less than one year of full-time college study*, you should apply through the freshman admissions process. If you are admitted as a freshman, work done after secondary school graduation but before matriculation at Yale may be accepted (up to a maximum of two course credits) with the approval of the appropriate director of undergraduate studies at Yale.

l If you have received a bachelor’s degree (or the equivalent) or if by the end of the current academic year you will have completed more than two full years toward the degree, you are not eligible to transfer to Yale, nor may you apply through the freshman admissions process. (You may not voluntarily relinquish credits in order to qualify for consideration.)

l If you are a non-traditional student and have taken a break from your education for five or more years, you may wish to consider Yale College’s Eli Whitney Students Program instead of the Transfer Program.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校

l Students applying to transfer must be in good standing, both academically and socially, at the institution(s) attended.

l The University of Michigan considers the college grade point average, the quality and quantity of transferable college credit, TOEFL/MELAB scores (if applicable), and the quality of high school credentials (including grades, strength of curriculum, and standardized test scores) during the transfer review process.

l There are specific admissions requirements for schools and colleges. Some require specific course prerequisites, portfolios, and auditions, which are taken into consideration when evaluating applications.




Harvard University会Growth and potential,Interests and activities,Character and personality,Contribution to the Harvard community这4个点去考察。具体我们可以看看学校的细节提示:

Harvard University 哈佛大学

Growth and potential 成长与潜力

l Have you reached your maximum academic and personal potential?

l Have you been stretching yourself?

l Have you been working to capacity in your academic pursuits, your full-time or part-time employment, or other areas?

l Do you have reserve power to do more?

l How have you used your time?

l Do you have initiative? Are you a self-starter? What motivates you?

l Do you have a direction yet? What is it? If not, are you exploring many things?

l Where will you be in one, five, or 25 years? Will you contribute something to those around you?

l What sort of human being are you now? What sort of human being will you be in the future?








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