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2017QS美国大学排行榜 美国百强院校名单公布

2017年07月26日14:41 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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2017QS美国大学排行榜 美国百强院校名单公布图1

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)麻省理工学院


2. Stanford University斯坦福大学


3. Harvard University哈佛大学


4. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)加州理工学院

加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology),简称为加州理工(Caltech),位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶东北郊的帕萨迪纳市(Pasadena),是世界著名私立研究型大学。加州理工学院在世界科技界久负盛名,其优势学科包括基础理科的物理学、化学、天文学和空间科学等,位列2015-16年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)物理学世界第5、化学世界第4、基础理科综合排名世界第6,还协助美国航空航天局(NASA)负责管理著名的喷气推进实验室(JPL)。

5. University of Chicago芝加哥大学

芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称“芝大”(UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学、常年位列各个大学排行榜世界前十。这里诞生了“芝加哥经济学派”(Chicago School of Economics)等以人文社科为主的众多芝加哥学派,走出了世界超过30%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主[8] ,是世界经济学、法学、社会学最重要的研究教学中心之一。

6. Princeton University普林斯顿大学

普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),简称普林斯顿,是世界著名私立研究型大学,位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿市,是八所常春藤盟校之一。普林斯顿大学与附近的普林斯顿高等研究院(IAS)共同构成了世界著名的理论研究中心,对基础数学、理论物理学、经济学等学科的发展影响深远。

7. Cornell University康奈尔大学

康奈尔大学(Cornell University)是一所位于美国纽约州伊萨卡的世界顶级私立研究型大学(另有两所分校位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城),是著名的常春藤联盟成员。康奈尔大学由埃兹拉·康奈尔和安德鲁·迪克森·怀特于1865年建立,是八所常春藤名校中唯一创办于美国独立战争之后的新生力量,规模为当时全美高校之最。

8. Yale University耶鲁大学

耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。作为美国最具影响力的私立大学之一,耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,其本科学院与哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学本科生院齐名,历年来共同角逐美国大学本科生院美国前三名的位置,位列2016-17年US News美国大学本科排名第3。

9. Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学

约翰·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称Hopkins或JHU,成立于1876年,是一所世界顶级的著名私立大学,美国第一所研究型大学,也是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的14所创始校之一。2016年美国国家科学基金会连续37年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。

10. Columbia University哥伦比亚大学

哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University in the City of New York),简称为哥大(Columbia),哥伦比亚大学是美国历史最悠久的5所大学之一,包括奥巴马总统在内的三位美国总统毕业于该校,艾森豪威尔总统曾担任哥大校长。


11. University of Pennsylvania (ranked 19th in the world)

=12. Duke University (ranked joint 21st in the world)

=12. University of Michigan (ranked joint 21st in the world)

14. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (ranked 27thin the world)

15. Northwestern University (ranked joint 28th in the world)

16. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (ranked 33rd in the world)

17. University of California, San Diego (UCSD) (ranked joint 38th in the world)

18. Carnegie Mellon University (ranked joint 47th in the world)

19. New York University (NYU) (ranked 52nd in the world)

20. Brown University (ranked 53rd in the world)

21. University of Wisconsin-Madison (ranked 55th in the world)

22. University of Washington (ranked 61st in the world)

23. University of Texas at Austin (ranked 67th in the world)

24. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (ranked 69th in the world)

25. Georgia Institute of Technology (ranked 70thin the world)

26. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (ranked 80th in the world)

27. Boston University (ranked 81stin the world)

28. Ohio State University (ranked 86th in the world)

29. Rice University (ranked 89th in the world)

30. Pennsylvania State University (ranked joint 93rdin the world)

31. Washington University in St. Louis (ranked 100th in the world)

32. Purdue University (ranked 105th in the world)

33. University of California, Davis (UCD; ranked joint 105th in the world)

34. University of Maryland, College Park (ranked 129th in the world)

35. University of Southern California (ranked 132ndin the world)

36. University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB; ranked 134thin the world)

37. University of Pittsburgh (ranked joint 142nd in the world)

38. Emory University (ranked joint 147th in the world)

39. Michigan State University (ranked joint 149thin the world)

40. University of Minnesota (ranked 163rd in the world)

41. University of California, Irvine (UCI) (ranked joint 164thin the world)

42. Dartmouth College (ranked 169thin the world)

43. University of Virginia (ranked joint 173rd in the world)

44. University of Florida (ranked joint 178th in the world)

45. University of Colorado at Boulder (ranked joint 182nd in the world)

46. University of Rochester (ranked 186th in the world)

47. Texas A&M University (ranked joint 195th in the world)

48. University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) (ranked joint 207th in the world)

49. Arizona State University (ranked 209th in the world)

50. Vanderbilt University (ranked 212th in the world)

51. Case Western Reserve University (ranked 213th in the world)

52. University of Notre Dame (ranked 216th in the world)

53. Georgetown University (ranked 227th in the world)

54. University of Arizona (ranked joint 230th in the world)

55. Tufts University (ranked joint 243rd in the world)

56. University of Massachusetts, Amherst (ranked 249th in the world)

57. University of Miami (ranked 252nd in the world)

58. North Carolina State University (ranked 263rd in the world)

59. Rutgers - the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick (ranked joint 283rd in the world)

60. University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) (ranked joint 301st in the world)

61. Indiana University Bloomington (ranked 304th in the world)

62. University at Buffalo Suny (ranked 318th in the world)

63. University of California, Riverside (UCR) (ranked joint 323rd in the world)

64. Yeshiva University (ranked joint 325th in the world)

65. Boston College (ranked joint 339thin the world)

66. University of Hawaii at Mānoa (ranked joint 341st in the world)

67. Northeastern University (ranked joint 346th in the world)

68. George Washington University (ranked joint 352nd in the world)

69. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(ranked joint 364th in the world)

70. Virginia Polytechnic Institute (ranked joint 367th in the world)

71. Stony Brook University (ranked joint 382nd in the world)

72. University of Kansas (ranked joint 386th in the world)

73. University of Utah (ranked joint 391st in the world)

74. University of Colorado at Denver (ranked 394th in the world)

75. Illinois Institute of Technology (ranked joint 395th in the world).

76. Washington State University (ranked 401-410 in the world)

=77. Brandeis University (ranked 411-420)

=77. Wake Forest University (ranked 411-420)

=79. The University of Georgia (ranked 421-430)

=79. University of Connecticut (ranked 421-430)

=79. University of Delaware (ranked 421-430)

=79. University of Iowa (ranked 421-430)

=79. University of Texas Dallas (ranked 421-430)

84. Florida State University (ranked 431-440)

85. Oregon State University (ranked 441-450)

=86. Tulane University (ranked 451-460 – up from 501-550 last year)

=86. University of Tennessee (ranked 451-460)

=88. University of New Mexico (ranked 461-470)

=88. Wayne State University (ranked 461-470)

=90. American University (ranked 471-480)

=90. Iowa State University (ranked 471-480)

=92. Colorado State University (ranked 481-490)

=92. University of Maryland, Baltimore County (ranked 481-490)

=94. City University of New York (ranked 501-550 in the world)

=94. Clark University (501-550)

=94. Drexel University (501-550)

=94. Lehigh University (501-550)

=94. Syracuse University (501-550)

=94. University of Cincinnati (501-550)

=94. University of Nebraska (501-550)

=94. University of Oklahoma (501-550)

=94. University of South Florida (501-550)





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