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2018生物专业留学文书范文 生在菲律宾懂公共健康的重要(附QS生物专业Top25院校)

2018年01月08日17:51 来源:小站整理作者:小站留学编辑
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2018生物专业留学文书范文 生在菲律宾懂公共健康的重要(附QS生物专业Top25院校)图1


2018生物专业留学文书范文 生在菲律宾懂公共健康的重要(附QS生物专业Top25院校)图2



University of Warwick, Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

华威大学 生物医学专业个人陈述

My goal in studying Biomedical Science is to achieve a deeper knowledge of the human body. I respect people who dedicate their lives to help others in need and using their knowledge for the greater good. Since I was born and raised in the Philippines, I understand the need for Biomedical Science especially in lower economically developed countries where health issues such as malaria and tuberculosis have affected the country. Having an awareness of this issue at a young age has led to my curiosity in Biomedical Science.


I believe independence is a key attitude for university. Studying Biology and Chemistry required me to think logically and learning mechanisms in chemistry often involved critical thinking. I try to consolidate my understanding by further research such as studying the mechanism for diazotisation. Likewise, practical work such as dissections and ester synthesis has taught me to be patient. I have learnt to work in a standardised manner whilst being structured in collecting and recording data. Similarly I have learnt to be efficient in my studies and research when I was completing my EPQ on the ethics of drug trials. Whilst researching, I have learnt to work within deadlines and manage my workload in a productive manner which I believe is a key necessity for studying science.


I was also fortunate to do work shadowing in my local hospital focusing on endoscopy, surgery and A&E. I shadowed several medical professionals and I learnt how important it is for them to work together harmoniously especially in diagnosis and prognosis. This experience has helped me understand the responsibilities that a healthcare professional must adhere to ranging from providing a good standard of care and being honest and open whilst acting with integrity.


In addition, I am currently completing my DofE Gold award which allowed me to develop my skills in decision making. This involved both teamwork and individual tasks which required me to be patient and resilient in duties such as cook work and map reading. Similarly, I travelled to Ecuador in the summer of 2014 where I undertook voluntary work. This gave my additional insight to problems that other poorer countries face. During my time there, I gained confidence in speaking and socialising with other people whilst working as a team to achieve a task such as making cement. I try my best and seize hold of every opportunity given to me. In Ecuador, I realised I have a privileged life and I have grown to become more grateful for the things we take for granted.


Whilst in secondary school, when I was a prefect, I was responsible for helping younger students. I enjoyed mentoring and assisting the lower years as it helped with my development of leadership and communication skills. I also have a passion for photography. It is a way to express feelings and provides a way to develop my creativity and relieve stress. Moreover, I am learning to play the ukulele and the demand for time and effort has made me develop a sense of persistence and commitment to learn new skills.


I hope to continue my development and aim to understand the spectrum of knowledge that Biomedical Science offers. I am a self-motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the academic and social challenges of university. I am aware of the demands and difficulties of a science based career but my aspiration to learn Biomedical Science has only been strengthened by my paramount desire to help others.










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